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What is Reintegration Assistance?

If you are returning with IOM you can benefit from an extra package for your reintegration. We call this support 'reintegration assistance'.

To be eligible, you need to be a national from one of the countries on this list.
The reintegration can be used to start a small business or to become a partner in an existing business, to pay for school or rent for the first months. For more details and conditions see below.

Assistance in Kind

The reintegration budget consists of maximum 1800 EUR for adults, 2800 EUR for minor children returning with their family and 2800 EUR for unaccompanied minor children. The amount can be used for an income generating activity (such as a small business), education and, if necessary, on accommodation.

Before departure, you will prepare a reintegration plan with one of our counsellors explaining how the budget will be used. We do this in order to help you prepare for your return. You will receive a letter with the amount you are entitled to and the contact details of one of our colleagues in your country of origin. Please do not worry, if you have a better idea after your return you can always adapt your plans. Once you are back in your home country you need to contact you local IOM office to receive your assistance. A final reintegration plan will be determined and our contact person will give you further instructions.

Cash Assistance

You can choose to receive maximum 300 EUR of the total budget in cash. This amount will be given to you by IOM upon departure from Schiphol airport. The remaining amount of minimum 1500 EUR (or minimum 2500 EUR for a minor) is not given in cash but in goods and services ('in kind’) in your country of origin.


  • You meet the return conditions with IOM
  • You have the nationality of one of these countries
  • You are not registered with another organization offering reintegration assistance.
  • You have no entry ban for more than 5 years, are not declared persona non grata and/or been convicted for severe crimes.
  • You have not been denied a residence permit on basis of article 1F of the Refugee Convention.

EN Co Funded by the EU POS