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Return with Medical Assistance

If you are considering to return to your home country but you have a health indication, IOM can assist you. Traveling with certain health needs requires special attention and preparation. You may also want to know about medical care in your country of origin after your return.

Depending on the advice of your doctor and your personal needs and requirements, our assistance can consist of the following:

  • Research on the availability and costs of medical care in your country of origin
  • Financial assistance to cover medical expenditures in your country of origin
  • Referral to medical institutions in your country of origin
  • Assistance at the airport during departure, transit, and arrival
  • A wheelchair or crutches for your journey, if needed
  • Social or medical escort during your journey, if required.
  • Where needed, handover to family or health care facility

For more information, please contact:

Laura Carpier: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EN Co Funded by the EU POS