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IOM and the Netherlands announce new phase in guiding safe migration (2024 – 2027)


GENEVA-The International Organization for Migration (IOM) together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Netherlands have announced the launch of the new phase of the Cooperation on Migration and Partnership to Achieve Sustainable Solutions (COMPASS) programme. Building on its achievements since 2021, COMPASS will continue its mission to guide safe migration while protecting and upholding migrant’s rights until the end of 2027.

27 Jun 2024

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World Migration Report 2024 Reveals Latest Global Trends and Challenges in Human Mobility


Dhaka/Geneva, 7 May - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched the World Migration Report 2024 today. The report reveals significant shifts in global migration patterns, including a record number of displaced people and a major increase in international remittances.

IOM Director General Amy Pope formally released the report in Bangladesh, which stands at the forefront of migration challenges, including emigration, immigration and displacement.

6 May 2024

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IOM the Netherlands and Dokters van de Wereld launch animation video against sexual and gender-based violence


The Hague - On International Women's Day, The International Organisation for Migration Netherlands and Dokters van de Wereld are launching the animated video 'You are not alone!', as part of the SAMEN project. The video highlights the ongoing problem of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and shows survivors that help is always available. 

8 Mar 2024

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Deadliest Year on Record for Migrants with Nearly 8,600 Deaths in 2023


Geneva/ Berlin, 6 March – At least 8,565 people died on migration routes worldwide in 2023, making it the deadliest year on record, according to data collected by IOM's Missing Migrants Project. The 2023 death toll represents a tragic increase of 20 per cent compared to 2022, highlighting the urgent need for action to prevent further loss of life.

"As we mark the Missing Migrants Project's ten years, we first remember all these lives lost. Every single one of them is a terrible human tragedy that reverberates through families and communities for years to come," said IOM Deputy Director General Ugochi Daniels. "These horrifying figures collected by the Missing Migrants Project are also a reminder that we must recommit to greater action that can ensure safe migration for all so that ten years from now, people won't have to risk their lives in search of a better one."

6 Mar 2024

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Government of Iraq and Government of the Netherlands Migration Ministries discuss on Regular Pathways, Mobility and Migration Governance


The Hague, The Netherlands – IOM/UN Migration, Government Ministries of Interior, Justice, Foreign Affairs and Migration and Displaced, and other high-level agencies (State Council, Prime Minister Office) from both Iraq federal and Kurdistan governments met in the Hague with Dutch high-level counterparts to discuss the topics of return, readmission and reintegration and legal identity in protecting the rights of migrants, and how to manage regular and irregular migration.

27 Feb 2024

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IOM in the Netherlands Works:

To ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, to promote international cooperation on migration issues, to assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.


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+ 31 88 746 4444 (Family Reunifcation

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