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Are You in a Vulnerable Situation?

You are thinking about return but you are not sure of your choice for one or more of the following reasons:

  • You have particular health needs
  • You are younger than 18 and in the Netherlands without your parents
  • You have been forced to work, your passport has been taken, you have paid a lot of money to come here
  • You are afraid of what will happen, you feel threatened
  • You are a single parent with young children
  • You are unable to work, your health is gone with the years

You can talk to an IOM counsellor without any obligation. Everything discussed will be kept confidential. The counsellor can inform you on the IOM assistance available before, during and after your departure.

You can discuss any concerns you may have relating to your return. To answer your more specific questions we can contact the IOM office in your country of origin. If needed, we will refer you to other organizations providing social services or advice on various options.

IOM can help you with:

• Advice and information during counselling hours (link consultation hours)
• We can also visit you at a given address if you prefer
• Contacting your family in the country of origin if you want us to
• Make an assessment of the situation in your country
• Assist you if you do not have a valid travel document
• Arrange and pay for the travel.
• Assistance at Schiphol airport and faster check in if needed.
• Assistance during transit, at the airport in your country and onward transportation to your final destination.
• Someone can accompany you during the whole travel if necessary.
• Supporting you with your health needs
• Assistance with finding appropriate accommodation in your country.
• A budget to spend in your country.

Contact 088 7464 466 to make an appointment