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Harmonizing Three Legal Systems

The Somaliland governance structure is a hybrid one of both traditional and western systems. As far as the rule of law is concerned three legal systems are prevailing: The Somali customary law, the Islamic Sharia and the secular law.

Mr Mohammed Bashe Hassan is of Somali descent and graduated in mass communication in Czech republic. Furthermore he obtained postgraduate certificates in Law and Community Leadership in UK. As such he is in the perfect position to understand these different legal systems.

In his assignment to the Ministry of Justice in Somaliland, he brought together the main stakeholders to organize workshops on harmonizing the different legal systems. Moreover he organized public awareness campaigns towards the importance of the rule of law.

Mr MB Hassan was invited to present his work at the “Making a Difference” conference in The Hague on 14 February 2018 towards capacity building in the Justice and Security Sector in third countries. His understanding of easy communication with both worlds was a welcome contribution to what was considered the Dutch approach in capacity building.