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Eighteen Stories from Around the World

In this publication the International Organization for Migration (IOM) presents personal stories and experiences in nine countries of origin with the project Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals (TRQN).

Through the TRQN project, IOM aims to harness the development potential of migration for the benefit of societies and migrants and to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction.
TRQN offers a window for diaspora professionals to contribute to the social and economical development of their country of origin. Their knowledge, expertise and familiarity with the local culture and language makes the TRQN volunteers suitable agents for development and reconstruction.
The impact and best practices of the TRQN programme were externally evaluated and the results were presented at an international conference IOM organized in June 2015 in The Hague, the Netherlands.

‘Diaspora In Action’ brought together 120 representatives from the Dutch government, host institutions from the nine TRQN target countries, embassies, diaspora organizations, NGOs, universities and other relevant stakeholders.
This publication gives an insight into the impact of the assignments by featuring interviews with participants and host organizations.

Download "Eighteen Stories from Around the World"

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Download Evaluation Report TRQN