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The Broker, Partos and IOM Put the Spotlight on Diaspora

Over the next weeks, eight articles on diaspora engagement and inclusion will be published on The Brokers website.
The series will be concluded with a synthesis article by Kiza Magendane and Yannicke Goris from The Broker. Additionally, it will result in the publication of a magazine featuring all articles, which can be downloaded from The Broker’s website.

eva blue SfPOkp6 2eA unsplashThese articles are a result of a recent collaboration with between IOM, The Broker and Partos aimed at raising more awareness about the big impact of diaspora professionals and entrepreneurs on inclusive and sustainable development in countries of origin. This will be done building on earlier articles already published about this topic by The Broker and Partos.

This Thursday, the first article will be published in which Dorien Deketele and Nina Staal from IOM the Netherlands will share the lessons learned and success stories of our programmes on migration and development: CD4D – Connecting Diaspora for Development and ED4D – Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development.

Every Thursday, new articles will follow, based on interviews with and contributions from external experts, including academics from Maastricht Graduate school of Governance as well as diaspora professionals and entrepreneurs Marina Diboma (Netherlands-Africa Business Council), Fridah Ntarangwi (Zidicircle) and Saskia Kloezeman (North-South Consulting).

By showcasing the impact of knowledge transfer en entrepreneurial initiatives, IOM, Partos and The Broker aim to stress the importance of including diaspora communities in development efforts.

Read more on : A New Journey With IOM the Netherlands | The Broker
Read the first article here: Diaspora Unlocked – Knowledge Transfers & Entrepreneurship
Read the second article here: Supporting Diaspora Entrepreneurs – Zidicircle
Read the third article here: International Minds, Local Hearts
Read the fourth article here: Diaspora in Business: Beyond Aid, Towards Partnerships
Read the fifth article here: Diaspora and Knowledge Transfer – the Evidence
Read the sixth article here: Enabling Diaspora to Take the Lead – a Synthesis