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Dossier Diaspora Inclusion - A Colourful Conclusion

Together with The Broker we proudly present the colourful Diaspora Inclusion magazine -- the proverbial cherry on the cake of our online dossier on diaspora inclusion.

Last year, The Broker first launched an online dossier on diaspora inclusion in collaboration with Partos.

Fuelled by the conviction that members of the diaspora and diaspora organizations are an untapped potential and could play an important role in development programmes, our goal was to stimulate constructive dialogue on diaspora inclusion. We concluded the first series of much-read and thought-provoking articles with an online debate, bringing ideas and enthusiasm to light but which also revealed many remaining questions and need for ongoing debate.

Recognizing that much more could and should be said about diaspora inclusion, IOM the Netherlands reached out to The Broker to join forces and re-open the diaspora dossier. In a second series of articles, we paid the necessary attention to the potential and activities of diaspora professionals and entrepreneurs, adding a missing and important layer to our dossier. Only last week we finalized this second part with a synthesis article, bringing together the key insights of our expert contributors.Diaspora Inclusion Magazine

Fuelled by the conviction that members of the diaspora and diaspora organizations are an untapped potential and could play an important role in development programmes.