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'Meet me in the middle' - The Moving the Middle conference on how to bring more nuance to the Dutch migration debate

Yesterday after months of planning, the 'Meet me in the Middle' conference took place at the Humanity Hub in The Hague!
Together with policymakers, communication experts, members of civil society, and other relevant actors within the migration debate in the Netherlands, we presented the findings of the Moving the Middle project about the Dutch movable middle and together discussed how to bring more nuance to the migration debate.

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Many thanks to the inspirational speakers who shared their expertise during our conference: Babah Tarawally, Mirjam Vossen, Anke van der Meer, Sander Nieuwkerk, Vitalina Briukhova, Yordi Lassooy, Melody Deldjou Fard, Kathelijne Houben, Sandra Kluivers, Barbara Salewski-Ratering, Nina Staal, Tetsuro Miyazaki and Elina Jonit.
A big thank you to all participants for attending and their interesting contributions!

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