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Meet our CD4D Project Ambassadors

Meet our Ambassadors; ten diaspora professionals who form the heart of our nationwide media campaign “Connecting Diaspora for Development”.

All ambassadors are professionals with a migration background. They are charismatic, dedicated and contribute in a major way to their countries of origin through our project Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D2). Together they show the important role diaspora experts play in the economic and social development of their countries of origin.

Many important diaspora initiatives go unnoticed; through this media campaign, we aim to highlight their great work.

Click on their portraits to read more!

Soza GaffafSoza GaffafAyalewPortretrond 1Ayalew KassahunAbubakarrrondAbubakarr Bangura

NasarAlirond 1 Nasir AliStanleyrond Stanley MbeluNiloufarPortret Niloufar RahimZuhur rond Zuhur Mohamed

clementtrondClement Adu TwumSeleshirond 1Seleshi Getahun YalewJela4 rond Jela Keyani