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ED4D: Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development

Implementation period: November 2018- October 2020

The ED4D project aimed to encourage the Ghanaian and Ethiopian diasporas residing in the Netherlands, or Dutch entrepreneurs in partnership with the diaspora, to engage themselves as entrepreneurs for the development of the private sector in Ghana and Ethiopia. The project was implemented by us in collaboration with PUM Netherlands senior experts. With this project, IOM and PUM together tried to address the different challenges the diaspora face in setting up a business. We acted as facilitators and coordinators at the service of selected entrepreneurs and offer them assistance with starting up or expanding a business back home.

Interested entrepreneurs received information about investment opportunities and procedures in Ghana and Ethiopia. Selected entrepreneurs with promising business ideas received specific training and coaching.

For further information, please visit the CD4D website.

Ms Andy Wehkamp (PUM) and Mr Antonio Polosa (IOM) sign the cooperation agreement