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Diaspora Engagement Promotion Video

We firmly believe that diaspora can contribute in a unique way to the development of their countries of origin through knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship. This is a promotion video to showcase IOM’s experience with our CD4D and ED4D projects.

Through our projects we support the development of targeted sectors in selected countries. We do this by engaging experts from the diaspora in the Netherlands and other EU member states to share their knowledge and expertise.

Our offices in the target countries work closely with governmental partners to identify priority needs. We focus on sectors such as agriculture, health care, education and the private sector. Within these sectors we select host institutions to work with such as line ministries, hospitals, academic institutions, and local governments.

Next to knowledge transfer, we also support diaspora with an entrepreneurial mind, who want to start or expand a business in their country of origin. We provide them with tailor-made training, coaching in the Netherlands to sharpen their entrepreneurial skills and to finetune their business plans. A final selection of twenty participants will join an exploration mission to Ghana or Ethiopia.

The film features diaspora experts and their motivation. Diaspora around the world are important actors in building bridges between societies and bringing new knowledge and business to their country of origin.

Go to CD4D and ED4D Website