Since 1992, IOM facilitated more than 67,000 voluntary departures from the Netherlands, under the national Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme.
In 1991, IOM and the Dutch government signed the REAN Agreement (Return and Reintegration Assistance from The Netherlands). Since then, IOM has been at the core of voluntary return assistance from the Netherlands.
Over the years the programme has evolved and the assistance has become more and more tailor-made with specialized assistance for vulnerable cases, such as migrants with medical problems, victims of trafficking and unaccompanied minor children. All over the Netherlands, migrants can make a non-committal appointment with IOM to explore the possibilities regarding return. IOM can provide reintegration assistance supported by our offices in countries of origin. This graph shows an overview of the total voluntary return departures per year since the start of the AVRR programme in the Netherlands.