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IOM Involves Nigerian Diaspora in Diaspora Engagement

On 30 November NIDO, the Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation, organized the Event “Know your Rights: Integration in the Netherlands and Opportunities in Nigeria” in Amsterdam.
IOM has the honour to be associated with the Netherlands chapter, NIDOE-NL, and was asked to give a presentation on diaspora engagement and brain circulation.

The Nigerian in Diaspora Organisation was launched in 2000 by the then President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo for Nigerians living in the diaspora to support national development. IOM the Netherlands has many years’ experience with projects focusing on diaspora engagement in countries of origin. Nigeria is a new, important target country for IOM’s project Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D2).

Dorien Deketele from our office introduced the project, which promotes the active role of diaspora in public and private sector reinforcement in four focus countries: Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. Through knowledge transfer and capacity building, CD4D2 engages diaspora for the development of selected sectors in countries of origin, in close cooperation with the governments, the host organizations and our missions in the respective countries.