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Preventing sexual and gender-based violence against migrants and strengthening support to victims

On 1 October 2018, we launched the project PROTECT (preventing sexual and gender-based violence against migrants and strengthening support to victims). IOM the Netherlands works together with partners Arq National Psychotrauma Centre, Rutgers and Pharos to better include refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers in the existing support services for SGBV (sexual and gender-based violence) and to build capacity for professionals who work with these groups, such as professionals in the regional Sexual Assault Centers. Ambassadors with migrant backgrounds provide free and confidential information sessions to help to raise awareness, to empower and to inform the targeted migrant communities about SGBV and where to seek help. Migrant ambassadors play a critical role in providing two-way information between migrant communities and professionals.
Contact IOM on the details below to learn more about the role of ambassadors or to request an ambassador’s support.

PROTECT supports closing the gap between migrants affected by SGBV and available support services through discussion and sharing of experiences. Over one hundred professionals from medical institutions, police and protection, municipalities, migrant representation, LGBTQI+, academia and social support agencies in the Netherlands have shared their knowledge, experience, challenges and good practices about SGBV in migrant communities.

PROTECT is implemented in 12 countries throughout Europe, both in countries of arrival and transit. In addition to the Netherlands, IOM and local partners are working together in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and Spain.

Find below:

  • A two-minute animated film which explains SGBV, designed for migrant audiences, and with subtitles available in Dutch and 22 other languages;
  • A leaflet which explains SGBV and where to access more information and support in the Netherlands. This leaflet is designed for migrant audiences and can be printed or shared digitally.
  • Contact details if you would like to know more about the project and/or to learn more about the role of our migrant ambassadors;
  • The PROTECT project’s flyer, which explains the aim of the project and our project activities.
  • The Mapping Report on Legal Frameworks and Assistance Available to Migrant Victims of Sexual and Gender‑Based Violence (SGBV).
  • Recommendations for Dutch Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Protect Leaflet Dutch 1

Download the PROTECT Leaflet here





Meet two of our Ambassadors

PROTECT project mapping legal framework SGBV 2

Mapping Report on Legal Frameworks and Assistance Available to Migrant Victims of Sexual and Gender‑Based Violence (SGBV)

As part of the inception phase of the PROTECT project, national mapping exercises have been conducted by IOM country offices together with project partners in 12 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia and Spain) to map the existing legislative frameworks, available services to migrant victims of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) to and identify the key gaps and challenges.

Download the Report here>>

PROTECT project mapping legal framework SGBV 2

Recommendations for Dutch Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

These recommendations were compiled through the implementation period of the PROTECT project. Based upon feedback, insights and challenges expressed by over two hundred stakeholders (migrants, integration experts, health professionals, LGBTQI+ representatives, protection representatives and many others) IOM has developed a set of multidisciplinary recommendations which aim to empower migrants, and build the capacity of professionals and policy-makers in the Netherlands to better identify, treat and prevent GBV in migrant communities.

Download the Recommendations here>>

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More information about PROTECT
Download the Protect flyer here