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FAQ's about Family Reunification

Why can the actual costs differ from the cost estimate?

We only charge the actual costs that have been incurred. These can differ from the cost estimate, for example due to changes in ticket prices or airport taxes.
In the unlikely event that costs will increase, we will inform you in advance. If the actual costs are lower than indicated in the cost estimate, we will repay the difference.
We can only provide an overview with the exact costs based on the final cost settlement after arrival in the Netherlands.

Can we use IOM assistance if we book our own tickets?

If you choose to buy your own tickets, you can only use our consultation assistance.
Escorts, pre-departure, transit and post-arrival assistance can only be offered when we arrange the tickets.

Can a young child travel with IOM assistance?

Children under the age of 6 are required to travel with an adult escort on most airlines. Whenever possible, the child should travel with relatives or caretakers. If this is not possible we can arrange an escort. The costs for an escort include a return ticket and additional costs. You can request a cost estimate by filling out the application form.

Can IOM arrange exit visas?

In most cases, IOM can provide advice regarding the procedures and required documents. The application should be done by the family members.

Can IOM provide funding?

Unfortunately, we don't have funds available to support families in the reunification process. You can consult VluchtelingenWerk, the local municipality, or your network including churches and charitable organisations.