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Moving The Middle Knowledge Dossier

Who is the Dutch Movable Middle?

How do you reach them?

How can you communicate effectively about migration with the Movable Middle?

These are just some of the questions that this Knowledge Dossier touches upon. The dossier provides a comprehensive summary of a year-long research initiative aimed at understanding the views and characteristics of the Dutch Movable Middle. Moreover, it provides guidelines and best practices for relevant organizations on how best to communicate about migration with this segment of the population. The knowledge dossier is a valuable resource for organizations seeking to communicate more effectively about migration with this important group in any country.

IOM Knowledge Dossier 2


Moving The Middle kennisdossier

Download Moving The Middle: Communicating with the Silent and Ambivalent Majority-Knowledge Dossier II
Download Moving The Middle: Communicating with the Silent and Ambivalent Majority-Knowledge Dossier