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Annual Report IOM the Netherlands 2018 in Seven Key Topics

In our Annual Report we summarize our activities in the Netherlands in 2018, including key facts and figures.

Last year we expanded our activities and strengthened our position in three fields: Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration, Migration and Development, and Resettlement, Relocation, Family Reunification and Labour Market Integration.

In 2018 we further improved our tailored assistance to migrants residing in the Netherlands. Key in our voluntary return and reintegration activities is the individual assistance offered prior to departure, in terms of counselling services in cooperation with our global network.

We also assist refugees accepted for resettlement and relocation by offering logistical assistance as well as by providing assistance to family members entitled to reunite with their family in the Netherlands.

We have built up significant experience in matching public institutional needs in countries of origin with professional expertise among the diaspora in the Netherlands. Currently, we have two projects aimed at diaspora experts who would like to contribute their knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to their country of origin.

Annual report 2018 DEF 2

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