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Voluntary Return Assistance for Non-Ukrainians who Fled Ukraine

Because of the war, many people fled Ukraine. This includes people who stayed in Ukraine, but who have a different nationality.

In the Netherlands, they can get help from IOM if they want to return to their country of origin or another country where their stay is guaranteed.

Third-country nationals who fled

On 30 March, State Secretary van der Burg communicated in a broader letter to Parliament that all third-country nationals from Ukraine who fall under the Temporary Protection Directive and third-country nationals from Ukraine who do not fall under this directive, regardless of their nationality, can be eligible for departure support as well as reintegration support in the country of origin. Third-country nationals from Ukraine who are thinking of leaving the Netherlands to return to their country of origin, or to move on to another country where entry and long-term residence are guaranteed, can be supported by us.

Guidance and financial support

The departure support includes assistance in obtaining travel documents, information and advice and a flight ticket to the country of origin. If necessary, help is also possible for making a good start in the country of origin, so-called reintegration assistance. This amounts to a maximum of € 1,800 per adult and € 2,800 per minor child. Of this, a maximum of €300 can be provided in cash, the rest is in kind. This can be used, for example, to finance housing and education. Such reintegration assistance is provided with the support of the IOM offices in the country of origin.

More information

Our staff provide information and guidance at various consultation locations across the country. See overview here. We can also visit municipalities at their request. For more information and questions about voluntary return, we can be reached during office hours via: +31 88 7464466 or +31 70 3181500