On December 28, IOM officially rounded off the ‘Migration Spices Up Your Life’ campaign. The campaign, which focused on the enriching influence of migration on daily life with a specific emphasis on culinary diversity, has achieved impressive results.
Using advertisements on various media platforms, sharing campaign posts, and presenting personal stories of chefs with a migration background working and living in the Netherlands, the campaign engaged the movable middle (individuals with an uncertain or conflicting view on migration) on a national level for ten days.
The campaign relied on well-known dishes with roots outside the Netherlands, demonstrating how these would look like had migration never occurred.
The campaign aimed to prompt reflection to recognize the positive impact of migration on society, with the goal of promoting social cohesion. The campaign website provided information about the journey of campaign dishes to the Netherlands, and five chefs shared their personal stories about their own migration history. Visitors were also invited to answer the 'Migration Spices Up Your Life' quiz for a chance to win prizes. The winners have been notified via email and will receive their prizes shortly.
The campaign achieved an incredible reach of over 560,000 individuals and nearly 1.1 million views of campaign advertisements. With 7,262 clicks to the website migratiekleurtjeleven.nl, the campaign generated significantly more interest than initially estimated.
The response to 'Migration Spices Up Your Life' indicates a strong interest in the discussion surrounding the impact of migration in the Netherlands. The campaign sought to reach people with uncertain or conflicting opinions about migration and ultimately garnered attention from individuals on both sides of the debate, resulting in lively discussions under most social media posts.
The campaign website with interesting facts about migration and the featured chefs' personal stories will remain online for the coming period. A more in-depth analysis of the campaign will be shared in the Moving the Middle II Knowledge Dossier, scheduled for publication in the spring of 2024. The discussion on promoting more nuanced discourse within the migration debate in the Netherlands and additional lessons learned will be presented during a final conference in April.
IOM would like to thank everyone that contributed to the success of the ‘Migration Spices Up Your Life’ campaign.
For more information, press inquiries, or interview requests, please contact:
Sandra Kluivers, via
The 'Moving the Middle' project contributes to the goal of promoting an open and fact-based public debate on migration and aligns with SDG 16: promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for all.