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Strengthening Support to SGBV Victims

Multi-sectoral discussion should improve the referral, treatment and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence within migrant communities.

IOM has recently conducted another two round table discussions with social workers and other professionals about sexual and gender-related violence (SGBV) in migrant communities. The discussions took place in Amsterdam and Diemen, as part of the PROTECT project and were conducted in collaboration with our partners Pharos, Rutgers, ARQ National Psychotrauma Centrum and Centrum Seksueel Geweld. The discussions were aimed at improving the assistance given to victims of SGBV with a migrant background and to contribute to the prevention of SGBV within migrant communities.

Thank you to all participants of the round table discussions in Utrecht and Diemen: GGD Amsterdam; Stichting Out & Proud; Dokters van de Wereld (NL); Emancipator NL; het wereldhuis; Politie Amsterdam; Veilig Thuis; Equator Foundation; GGD GHOR Nederland; Gemeente Amsterdam; Politie Midden-Nederland; Stichting Al Amal; Movisie, Moviera - aanpak huiselijk geweld; OGN Aman Center; Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers and the Migrant Ambassadors working for PROTECT