To build more inclusive and cohesive European societies we are committed to the integration of third-country nationals. In October a website was launched encouraging intra-EU information exchange on good practices at regional and local levels. In the Netherlands, we cooperate with the Tilburg municipality to enhance labour market integration in the Hart van Brabant region.
The Includ-EU website offers information about regional efforts to support migrant integration, and disseminates good practices for the benefit of municipalities and other service providers. Over time, more good practices will be added highlighting positive integration experiences. The aim of the website is to share transnational knowledge and experiences, and to facilitate cooperation and partnerships between local and regional authorities from Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.
The website was officially launched in Strasbourg, France during a conference hosted by Includ-EU partner organization the Assembly of European Regions.
Go to the Includ-Eu website