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Kick-off Meeting: Together Against Sexual and Gender-based Violence

On the 24th of January 2023, 33 representatives and experts in the field of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) came together in Utrecht for the kick-off meeting of the SAMEN project.

The kick-off meeting offered a first opportunity for different parties to sit together and discuss SGBV experienced by migrant communities in the Netherlands.

What experiences did people encounter in the field? How do we reach the target group? And what data is needed to formulate an inclusive policy? Attendees came from all over the Netherlands to represent governments, healthcare organizations, migrant organizations, knowledge institutions and more.

Conversations lasted until far beyond the meeting, which motivates us to carry on the discussion about this important topic. SGBV experienced by migrant communities in the Netherlands can only be prevented and combatted if we work SAMEN (= Together).

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