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IOM the Netherlands Hosts Panel Discussion on Support for Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence

On 23 March, IOM the Netherlands organized a fruitful and engaging panel discussion on the support available to victims of Domestic and Gender-based Violence in the Netherlands for consular staff from The Hague, Amsterdam, and Brussels. Consular staff from Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Northern Africa joined us to learn from GGD Haaglanden, Dokters van de Wereld, Blijf Groep and the IND from their daily work and share experiences related to this important topic.

As an international organization, IOM is committed to working towards preventing and responding to Gender Based Violence among migrants. We recognize the importance of building partnerships and networks with local actors and consular officials to address this issue. We believe that by working together, we can create a more coordinated and effective response to Domestic and Gender-Based Violence among migrants. This event is a step in this direction as we seek to deepen the discussion and provide insight on how victims and survivors are supported in the Dutch context, in combination with IOM’s SAMEN project, which aims to combat and prevent gender-based violence experienced by migrant communities in the Netherlands.

Would you like to read more about IOM the Netherlands’ response to combatting gender-based violence experienced by migrant communities in the Netherlands? Visit the LinkedIn page of the SAMEN project for updates.
