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Conclusion Safe!: Identification and Perspective for Victims of Trafficking

In 2017, the Amsterdam coordination centre for trafficking (ACM), part of HVO-Querido, took the initiative for a project aimed at early identification and protection of (possible) victims of trafficking amongst migrants and refugees in a response to the flow of migrants looking for safety and a better future in the EU, since it proved to be very difficult to identify and protect (possible) victims witihin this group.

A second goal of the Safe! Project was to ensure the possibility of discussing perspectives for the future wth these people, including the option of safe return to the country of origin.

The IOM missions in the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Hungary contributed to the different activities within the project, together with shelters, government and interest groups from the three above mentioned countries and North Macedonia.

National Platforms were organized in all four countries, with expert meetings and trainings on the subjects of early identification of victims of trafficking and safe return. In addition, a research study into trends and dilemma was conducated, in which respondents from 30 European countries participated. The project concluded with an international conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, in October 2018, in which more than 100 professionals from 26 countries participated.

Now it is time to present the final results of Safe!: a training module about early identification and safe return and a final report containing an overview of trends, dilemma’s, conclusions and recommendations, as well as an up to date social map. The training module is available in English and Dutch and can be used by other organizations, with reference to the source.

Safe! was financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the EU, the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security and the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports.


Download the Final Report here
Download the Training Manual in English here
Download the Training Manual in Dutch here